Authors of a study of 9,200 Asia-Pacific companies say climate action is becoming "an essential financial strategy" for businesses, which lowers risks and yields tangible benefits
Concern is rising over surging water consumption by data centres, as well Big Tech's use of carbon offsets to write off emissions, and plans for a rejig of offset rules
Investors remained cautious for a second successive day while China’s property woes saw its banks take a profits hit
China has increased its lead in 64 critical technologies, while India is emerging as a key centre of global research innovation, a new report says
Reliance has announced billions of dollars worth of investments to develop its green energy portfolio and achieve its 2035 net zero carbon goal
The rapid transition to renewable energy sources, notably solar power, continued in 2023 and the first half of 2024, new reports say
The detention of Indian solar panels represents a new focus for the CBP, given the agency has largely focused on Chinese suppliers so far
"If you stop importing oil, Putin will face huge challenges [for his war effort]," Zelensky told India media
The US tech services giant said on Monday will shut its R&D operations in China. It may boost operations in India and other parts of Asia
China’s decision to restrict exports of antimony from mid-September could push the metal's price to $30,000 a ton, traders say
Asian economies are particularly vulnerable to torrential rains and storms, which can make up for 80% of the extreme weather events in the region
Some 56 companies trading on exchanges on mainland China and four in Hong Kong will be removed from the MSCI China Index at the end of August, MSCI said