Central bank unable to slow drop past key level, despite vow to buy 100 billion yen ($667 million) of state debt with 10-20 maturities plus another 100bn of bonds with maturities of 5-10 years
The US-China trade conflict and the escalation of cross-Strait tensions have brought serious challenges, TSMC chairman Mark Liu says
Tokyo dodges questions on whether it is already supporting its currency through ‘stealth intervention’ as US dollar’s surge continues
Korea Electric power raised its base electric rate by 17% for industrial customers and 6.8% for residential users.
"The main driver behind the increase are rising prices of food," analyst Rikuto Minami at Mizuho Research & Technologies said.
Chip giants allowed to continue work at their China factories, but the ban on US citizens working for local firms has shocked the sector, forcing firms like Naura and YMTC to pull key staff
Toshiba shares shot up on Thursday after reports of a possible takeover by a group of firms led by Japan Industrial Partners, a domestic private equity group
Japan says it is watching the yen’s slide “with a high sense of urgency” and is poised to “take appropriate steps on excess moves”
US chip tool maker will cease offering some supplies and services from Wednesday to customers in China, a source revealed on Tuesday.
North Korea is targeting agricultural self-reliance in response to tightening international sanctions over its nuclear and missile programmes
Japan re-opens its borders on Tuesday after over two years of strict Covid-19-related restrictions
Analysts expect a 50 basis point hike in the key interest rate to 3.00% when the Bank of Korea reviews policy at its October 12 meeting.