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Latest News: West Asia

COP28: Over 110 Nations Join Deal to Triple Renewable Energy
Hope for Early Deal on Climate Damage Fund as COP28 Opens
Summit Leader ‘Using COP28 to Promote Fossil Fuels’ – NYT
Pakistani Taliban Demand Belt and Road Project Tax – Telegraph
Russian Oil Trading with India Still Plagued by Currency Woes
Global Subsidies For Oil, Gas and Coal Now Reach $7 Trillion: IMF
COP28: France, US to Seek Ban on Private Funds for Coal Plants
‘Serious’ Cyber Attack Halts Work at Four Australian Ports
Taliban and China to Discuss Potential Belt and Road Links
Taliban to Make Rare Appearance at China’s Belt and Road Forum
Crypto Helped Fund Hamas’ Terror Attack on Israel – DW
China Backs Belt And Road Initiative as Ideal Growth Model – AP

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