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Latest News: World

US Treasury Team Flies to China to Discuss Subsidies, Policies
Brokers in China Seen Restricting Cross-Border Stock Trades
Freezing Weather Disrupts New Year Trips Home by Millions of Chinese
China’s Small Exporters Being Crushed by Falling Prices
Huawei Smartphone Output Hit, As Demand Soars For AI Chips
Critics Say China’s ‘National Team’ Can’t Fix Its Sinking Markets
Australia’s Lynas Rare Earths Ends Merger Talks With US Miner
French Shipping Giant Joins Red Sea, Suez Route Boycott
China’s WuXi Stocks Plunge on Fears Over US Biotech Bill
US Research Group Sues Japan’s Chip Materials Maker JSR
Asian Rivals Posing a Challenge to Apple’s iPhone Sales in China
US Firms See Better Prospects in China But Will Hold Investment

AF China Bond