Telecom regulator said Apple submitted plans to allow third-party payment systems on its app store, to comply with a new law banning operators from forcing developers to use their systems
The plant, located in Tamil Nadu, was closed on December 18 following protests in the wake of a food poisoning incident
On December 15, almost 260 workers became ill with food poisoning at a hostel for workers at Foxconn's iPhone plant in an industrial park near Chennai in southern India.
Competition Commission of India says US tech giant has a case to answer over its 30% in-app fee which opponents say is a barrier to market entry
The factory in Tamil Nadu has been at the centre of a mass food-poisoning incident which sparked employee protests and threw light on the living conditions of the workers in hostels near the factory.
The factory, which employs 17,000 people, is expected to restart production with 1,000 workers on Thursday. State official inspected workers' hostels, which firm reportedly vowed to upgrade.
Apple may have to face a vote on the proposal at its annual shareholder meeting next year, barring a deal with the shareholders who made it
The delay comes just weeks after the giant company asked employees to begin returning by February
Company has been scrambling to keep up with global chip shortage and supply-chain disruptions were expected to worsen during the holiday sales quarter
Apple promised to help develop China’s economy and technological prowess through investments, deals and training
Political scientist at Thammasat University says he has received two emails about his iPhone and iCloud accounts being targeted
Apple won't be able to ship new iPads to consumers in Asia in time for Christmas amid a supply crunch ahead of the crucial holiday sales season