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Latest News: Apple

Top Apple Exec Quits Over Return to Office: Tweet of The Day
China’s Lockdowns Worsen Logistics Woes for US Firms – WSJ
Apple Says China Output Resuming But Chip Shortage Weighs
Apple Grapples for Sales as China Phone Market Shrinks
PayPal, Apple Pay Accused of Patent Breaches by US Fintech
China to Help Key Industries Restart in Covid-Hit Shanghai
Apple Insists Risks From ‘Sideloading’ Apps Are Serious
Smartphone Manufacturers Make Progress on Recycling
CSOP Launches First Hong Kong Metaverse-Themed ETF
Apple Supplier Luxshare’s $2.13 Billion Share Issue Target
Malware Education Could Cut Asia Video Piracy, Says Study
Apple Sees Best Year in India – Economic Times

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