The High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems are part of Canberra's desire to boost its military presence in the Indo-Pacific region
A shareholder ballot with 99.9% of votes in favour of the Blackstone buyout effectively ended one of Australia's most storied business dynasties
The fall in unemployment will be welcomed by Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who has made jobs the clarion cry of his election campaign ahead of the vote on Saturday
Australia's Climate Friendly, majority-owned by private equity firm Adamantem Capital, generates carbon credits from projects that regenerate vegetation or improve soil health
The central bank's drastic inflation revisions could foreshadow how far interest rates might have to rise to bring the country's cost of living crisis under control
The report by the Rand Corporation said that Australia, Japan, the Philippines, South Korea and Thailand are all reluctant to deploy such weaponry
Higher electricity prices in Australia also helped to boost revenue across its wind and solar divisions, where sales rose by 23% and 31% respectively
The rise in petrol, home building and food costs is unwelcome news for Scott Morrison, the prime minister, as he fights a tough election next month
He replaces Catherine Livingstone, who would retire in August after more than five years in the role, and who oversaw the bank's operations during a tumultuous period
ACCC said Uber admitted to have falsely represented fare estimates for its Uber Taxi option as its algorithm would almost always inflate the range of fares
Canberra is concerned the security deal, details of which have not been publicised, could foreshadow a Chinese military presence fewer than 2,000 km from Australia
The government confirmed it would provide A$125 million each to Viva and Ampol to revamp their refineries to start producing cleaner petrol by 2024