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Latest News: Carbon Removal

LNG’s Carbon Footprint 33% Bigger Than Coal’s – CC
Green Investment Hindered by Poor Demand For Low-Carbon Products
In a First, Top Bank Hands Out Loan For Carbon Removal Credits
Microsoft, Google Announce Major Carbon Removal Deals
Scientists Create Reactor to Turn Ship Emissions Into Salt – CD
Firms May Abandon Net-Zero Plans Amid Carbon Offset Uncertainty
China to Set Carbon Removal, Emission Standards for Key Sectors
Bill Gates Backs Effort to Boost Credibility of Carbon Removal
China to Set Emission Quotas for Industries, Economic Planners
Heatwaves, Forest Fires Depleted Vital Carbon Sink – NS
China, India Ask Rich Nations For ‘Trillions’ in Climate Finance
Zero-Carbon Breakthrough For Industry’s Dirty Businesses – NA

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