Microplastics that come from industrial effluent, textiles, car tyres and personal care products were found in the mists at the top of Mount Fuji
Beijing’s special climate envoy, Xie Zhenhua, will tell the COP28 climate meeting new energy sources aren’t reliable enough yet to replace coal and oil
Nearly 5% of Hebei's 74.2 million residents were affected by the floods, with 2 million people displaced and over 40,000 homes destroyed
The progress made on reducing emissions intensity could help India avert pressure by developed nations to stop using coal, officials said
A failure to deal with carbon emissions could force debt-servicing costs higher – and spark credit downgrades – for some of the world’s leading nations
The country has been reeling from a series of extreme weather events since April with severe storms now set to sweep across some regions
The continuing high temperatures in China have pushed power networks to the limit with fears rising of a possible repeat of last year's drought
Researchers from China’s Nanjing University are covering Dagu glaciers in the Sichuan province with thick rolls of white sheets that are designed to slow down climate change-induced melt
Torrential rain triggered flash floods and hailstorms in northern China as the region remains in the grip of unusually hot weather
The capital had never, until this week, seen two consecutive days above 40C since its local weather station was established in 1951
Chinese Premier Li Qiang urged Beijing and Europe to work together to deal with climate issues and world debt, at a two-day Paris summit
Authorities were also rushing to check on the city’s under-pressure electricity network with the second highest ever temperature recorded on Thursday