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Latest News: Global Currency

Currency Rescue Missions Cost Asian Foreign Reserves $50bn
Investors Suspect Beijing Behind Controlled Yuan Decline
Asia Central Banks’ $30bn Forex Fight to Fend Off Dollar
Global Economy Showing Signs of De-Dollarisation, Says JPMorgan
BRICS Looking to Counter Sanctions With Alternative Currencies
China Drops Dollar for Yuan in $88bn Russia Commodity Trade
India Push to Settle Global Trade in Rupees ‘Not Without Risks’
China’s Yuan Reserve Pool Seeks to Limit Dollar Dominance
Clamour in China To Reduce Reliance on Dollar – SCMP
China’s Yuan at Two-Week High as US Ponders Tariff Cuts
IMF Boosts Yuan, Dollar Weightings in SDR Basket, Trims Euro
China’s Currency Falls to 19-Month Low Against Dollar

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