Scrutiny of X's links to Russian oligarchs comes ahead of the November US election that will see Democratic nominee Kamala Harris run against second-time Republican nominee Donald Trump
French investigators say Durov has failed to take action against illegal activities like terrorism, organised crime, drug trafficking and cyber-bullying on Telegram
Short video app TikTok, already under scrutiny across the world, informed the journalist last year that four of its employees had spied on her data to track down leaks
Indian authorities have been removing clips of the BBC documentary 'India: The Modi Question' from Twitter and YouTube, citing emergency powers
US senators have sought information on a Facebook investigation that found tens of thousands of software developers in China and Russia accessed detailed user data in 2014, CNN said
Chinese state media outlets rank alongside the likes of Cristiano Ronaldo, Shakira, Coca-Cola and Justin Beiber in Facebook’s top 25 most followed list - raising questions about where its followers are coming from
The new rules confirm Vietnam's position as one of the world's most stringently controlled countries for social media firms
Angry homebuyers have resorted to physical protests as well as a threatened boycott of mortgages due to hundreds of unfinished housing projects
The social media giant has noticed that fewer people have been clicking on links to news articles since Donald Trump left office
Earlier, rival photo and short-video platform Instagram announced it was offering paid subscriptions to a small group of influencers