Aviation regulator clears freight airline based in Jiangsu; Move comes after JD Logistics raised $3.16bn in IPO in May
US aircraft giant is facing political headwinds in China over returning its troubled narrow-bodied jet to the skies (AF) Six...
The Hong Kong carrier, looking at a 99.3% fall in passenger numbers compared with pre-pandemic figures, is in talks with the European plane-maker about cutting numbers in the cock-pits
A Thai court has approved the ailing airline’s $12.9 billion debt makeover proposal as it seeks to recover from years of struggle, made even worse by 2020’s worldwide pandemic
Mainstream companies join the craze to make flying cars, but concept faces long road to regulatory approval and commercialisation (AF)...
The pandemic has hit the aviation sector hard but there are signs it could re-emerge stronger, despite its sustainability problem...
Month-long pause was triggered by electrical problem months after the plane returned to service following a lengthy safety ban due to two fatal crashes
Singapore Airlines has revealed a second consecutive record loss as the international carrier struggles to recover from a...
(ATF) Boeing Co on Wednesday urged Joe Biden’s administration to keep human rights and other disputes separate from...
Airlines stuck with parked planes because of the Covid pandemic are pushing back maintenance deadlines on parts and...
North American operations of Chinese drone giant DJI Technology have been hit by staff cuts and resignations, ending what was one of its most successful divisions
The CEOs of American Airlines, United Airlines and Delta Air Lines and other airline officials met...