Musk sold 3% of his shares, partly to satisfy tax obligations related to exercising stock options. Tesla shares have rebounded since he asked followers on Twitter to vote on what he should do.
Foreign firms complain about lack of transparency, insufficient lead time for new rules and less access to policy and standard drafting – but realize that China is bigger player now
The Chinese smartphone maker has changed its strategy by opening thousands of new stores to spur sales growth, and provide a channel for its plan to sell electric vehicles
Looming zero-carbon mandates in cities such as London and Paris, and countries from Norway to China, have lent urgency to pledges to shift to electric vehicles
Group faces $148m in bond payments due on Wednesday and $255m due on Dec 28. Meanwhile, its EV unit says it plans to sell new shares to fund car production.
The move comes as parent group China Evergrande has reportedly found the funds for its latest payment deadline
Australia pledges $132 million to ramp up the rollout of hydrogen refuelling and charging stations for electric vehicles. But critics say it should also offer rebates to push transition from fossil fuels
India's third largest maker of two-wheel vehicles is in talks with with global PE investors to raise up to $500 million for its EV unit, which has been valued at $4 billion
Probe centres around payments allegedly made by the Jakarta metropolitan government to organisers while racing was suspended
Vehicle arm of struggling property firm - which once claimed it would rival Tesla one day - sells electric motor company to British operation
India's largest fuel retailer and refiner plans alternative energy offerings, including electric vehicle charging, at its fuel stations
As eco-conscious drivers shift to hybrid cars from their polluting petrol and diesel counterparts, environmentalists warn they're not as green as they seem