The batteries will have greater energy density and perform better than lithium-ion phosphate batteries, the company's chairman said
The country’s sole EV maker is gearing up to expand into the United States, where it hopes its two electric SUV models will compete with legacy American brands
Australia accounts for nearly half of the world's lithium supply and is ideally positioned to reap the benefits from the booming battery sector, if it acts fast
China's best-selling electric vehicle brand did not give a reason for throttling back on production and it was not clear how long it would last
Baidu's Apollo service will see 10 fully autonomous vehicles in service with no humans in the driving seat nor safety operators
China's securities regulator has questioned why the battery maker needs so much capital after it raised $6.56 billion in a domestic share placement last year
BYD’s Europe president said the company doesn’t “understand what happened” to the UK after its decision to exit from the European Union
The block of the key electric vehicle battery metal in Jammu and Kashmir is the first known reserve found in the country
Xi Jinping’s comment that he was “both pleased and concerned” about CATL’s EV battery market dominance has prompted industry executives to brace for government scrutiny
Nissan Motor Co's new electric crossover has been hampered by problems at its high-tech ‘intelligent factory’
Xi was quoted as saying he was "both happy and worried" – glad about its lead position in the global battery market but fearful given intense rivalry with the West and risks over its high profile
The Apple contractor has been carefully building an electric vehicle supply chain including the purchase of an Ohio auto production line