Bundling insurance, repair costs and a battery warranty into the deal, Toyota will lease the bZ4X sport utility vehicle (SUV) at the equivalent of $39,000 for the first four years
Japanese auto giant outlines plans to invest in plants to make India a hub for EV parts exports and to supply the local market.
Lucid Group CEO says the company is diversifying its chip suppliers to reduce the risk of supply disruptions as covid lockdowns continue to shutter China's factories.
The US carmaker shipped over 4,700 electric vehicles to Europe on Wednesday, its first exports from the city in almost a month, state media said.
Vingroup Chairman Pham Nhat Vuong tells company's annual general meeting the conglomerate was prioritising spending on VinFast and gave an aggressive car sales target.
Disrupted transport links and restrictions on movement have cut battery manufacturing, research house Antaike said, while carmakers have cut or suspended production
The paper reported that the Tesla chief executive said he had a goal of dying on Mars
Hong Kong-listed BYD shares opened with a 10% dip after authorities launched an investigation into pollution claims and alleged health issues near its Changsha city factory
The figures, showing the biggest monthly drop in more than two years, coincide with the prolonged Covid lockdown in Shanghai and many other cities
The reason isn't just rising temperatures or battery quality but a lack of thermal-based safety precautions. The EV batteries are getting heated beyond 100 degrees, experts claim.
The halt in production is the latest in a series of difficulties the factory faces as Shanghai enters a sixth week of lockdowns
The new factory, which the company hopes to set up by 2024 in Kitakami in Iwate prefecture, will manufacture ceramic capacitors